Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The birth of this blog

Everyone who really knows me knows that I am a big foodie. The extent can be imagined by the fact that the basis of some of the most important and best friendships in my life has been the mutual love for food. Trust me, its true :)
I live to eat, not the other way round. When I first moved to the US a few years back, all I could cook was Maggi (the eternal favorite). No mom's food, no servants to cook for you, no cheap tiffin places around, no restaurant which provides you home-cooked meals (I was tired of the westernized Indian food that we get here in desi restaurants)- the reality sunk in. Hence began the journey of experimentation. I discovered my latent culinary skills, hidden due to the comforts of living in India.
Initially, I used to be a terrible cook. It used to take me half an hour to cook something and then another one hour to make the dish edible by all possible additions (yoghurt, milk, lemon, water, sugar - you name it, I've tried it). I was lucky enough to have awesome friends (including my roommates) to try out my risky ventures and give me feedback. So gradually I metamorphosed into a fine cook and I've realized that I've actually started enjoying cooking.
Well so I decided that why don't I come up with a blog with all kinda recipes - some my favourites, some really simple stuff and some innovative recipes from time to time. I hope my enthusiasm doesn't die out soon and I'll try that the postings ain't sporadic. Any kinda feedback is most welcome.



  1. That's true... my best friends (including this author) adore food as much as I do. I call us Food-Junkies.
    I said to her "Where else will I find a glutton like me who loves food n loves to cook n loves to experiment with it? (n be best buddies with too)"
    Guess how she christened this blog? ;)

  2. A blog like this can do a lot of good to FOBs who do not know ABC of cooking. You can make money out of it especially when you need it the most. What say?

  3. Mr Anonymous Nath Singh...Keep your "lala" ideas to yourself :P

  4. This can be great stepping stone towards my journey to cooking...

  5. you dont have to cook sweetheart...i'll be your roommate...i wil do all the cooking...and u can do the cleaning :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. anonymouns nath singh... ha ha that was funny :P
